Saturday, December 30, 2023

Recurrent neural network with emperor penguin-based Salp swarm (RNN- EPS2) algorithm for emoji based sentiment analysis

The opinions of the users are analyzed by the sentiment analysis process. Sometimes, the users reviewed their opinions using emojis and it is necessary to analyze them to find the classes (positive, negative, or neutral). However, the existing works lack the ability of emoji analysis in large databases, which induces computational complexity and reduces performance. To tackle those issues, we propose a novel Recurrent Neural network (RNN) with an Emperor Penguin-based Salp Swarm algorithm (EPS2) approach. The optimization algorithm can be used to choose the parameters of the RNN and provide better results. The experiments are conducted by taking the data from four social media platforms known as Reddit, Twitter, IMDB movie review, and Yelp dataset. The performance is analyzed by different metrics and compared the outcomes with other state-of-art works. From the results, it is found that our proposed approach effectively analyses the emojis from the social media platform and provides better results.

Suresh TechLabs